
Implementation follows a proven formula with the key objective of achieving a smooth transition from current company systems to ProMan.

A detailed implementation plan is provided - customised according to each client's unique structuring and reporting requirements. The detailed implementation schedule, including the date on which the system will go live, is also supplied.


Training for Financial and any other administrative staff is required initially with courses conducted at Akron oftware's training centre in Johannesburg. In exceptional circumstances, training can be conducted on site.

More than ever "Money Matters" – Financial management can keep the score but Project Management make the difference.

Only Project management:

  • Win Projects (EOIs/Proposals/Budgets)
  • Take proactive action (Project Forecasting, VOs etc.)
  • Accelerate WIP->Invoicing cycle
  • Monitor & optimise resources

Project Management Training ensures an understanding of key ProMan concepts and applications.

The Project managers' training 1/2 day course is usually conducted about three months after ProMan is fully functional.